Smitten. Life 1.

There's a new cat in town...

A graphic novel featuring the most unlikely of superheroes.

Smitten is a house cat – who also happens to be a powerful Werehuman! An epic new series coming soon.

Smitten: Life 1 will be the first of nine graphic novels by Shane O’Halloran and J.J. Villalva. Just like other cats, Smitten has been gifted with nine lives… and he is going to need them all for what we have in store for him. Watch out for Smitten later in 2025!

Story: Smitten’s life is complicated. Not only is he a house cat, or more specifically a Werehuman, he is also madly in love with Drysi, the girl from next door. Only his owner Mr. Richards knows his secret, but this is all about to change the day the Black Goats gang start picking on Drysi and her family. Using his unique powers to protect his loved ones, Smitten starts a chain of events that leads to a confrontation with the gang and its ruthless leader, Vinny Birmingham, in a showdown that will change his life forever.


" Oh, there will be blood alright…but not ours. "
Vinny “The Butcher” Birmingham
Leader of the Black Goats
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